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The Tertiary in North Dakota, US

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Tertiary Fossils
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Paleontology and geology

Most of North Dakota was above sea level during the Tertiary. Volcanoes were erupting to the north and west, and huge quantities of volcanic ash were blown by wind or carried by rivers into the state. These ash deposits became layers of bentonite clay that were interbedded with the river and lake deposits derived from the erosion of the rising Rocky Mountains. Some of the rocks formed from these sediments are exposed in Theodore Roosevelt National Park in the western part of the state. Fossils of freshwater molluscs, titanotheres, crocodile-like champsosaurs, sequoia, bald cypress, magnolia, and ginkgo can be found in these rocks.

Links to more on the Tertiary in North Dakota

Organizations | Education and Exhibits


Societies and Clubs (showing 1 of 1 listings)

North Dakota Geological Survey Fossil Resource Program: Links to all varieties of information on North Dakota paleontology, including research papers, museums, and background information on the state's fossils.

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Museums (showing 1 of 1 listings)

The Pioneer Trails Regional Museum: Located in Bowman, North Dakota, PTRM hosts exhibits about local Cretaceous, Paleocene, and Eocene fossils. This museum also has an active research program.

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Education and Exhibits

Virtual Exhibits (showing 1 of 1 listings)

When Crocodiles Ruled: An interactive journey through the Paleocene of North Dakota, shortly after the dinosaurs died out.

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Montana State Map
South Dakota State Map
Minnesota State Map
Saskatchewan Province Map
Manitoba Province Map