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This page offers tips on how to use the site, and troubleshooting hints.

How do I navigate?
Most pages in the site can be reached using the tabs in the top header bar, or the links in the footer at the bottom of the page. It may also be helpful to take the site tour or review the site map for more information on how the site is organized.

How can I suggest a link or contribute an image?
Click on the Add to Site button at the top of the page, and follow the instructions. Make sure that you continue until you see a "thank you" message indicating that you have finished the submission process.

How can I search for a specific item?
Use the search box on the upper right-hand side of the screen, or the advanced search form.

Why didn't my image or link appear right after I submitted it?
All contributions go through an editorial process before being included in the site. You should receive an e-mail from the editors once your item has been reviewed, either confirming that it has been accepted or explaining why it cannot be posted. Please review the editorial policy for more information.

At the end of the submission process, you should have received a "thank you" message on your screen. If you completed the submission process but have not received an e-mail message from the editors within a month, please feel free to contact the Tapestry webmaster to check the status of your submission.

XXX isn't working!
This site has been designed for broad accessibility, and built using standard HTML, PHP, a mySQL database, and Javascript. Where more complex features have been incorporated, look for links to alternate versions.

At minimum, this site was tested on the following browsers and platforms in the course of development. Please consider using one of these browsers if you encounter severe problems, or contact the webmaster for assistance.

  • Netscape 4.x (Macintosh, Windows)
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  • Mozilla 1.x/Netscape 7.x (Macintosh, Windows, Linux)
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  • Internet Explorer 6 (Windows)
  • Apple Safari (Macintosh OS X)

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