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Southwest region

Museums (page 1 of 1)

6 listings found

Museo de Paleontología de Guadalajara: This museum features Pleistocene mammals from western Mexico.

The Regional Museum Mixteco: This museum in Tepexi de Rodriguez, Puebla, Mexico houses fossils from the Tlayua quarry, as well as local archeological items.

Museo de Geología: The museum has displays of invertebrate and vertebrate fossils. Marine invertebrate and Pleistocene vertebrate fossils predominate.

Museo de Historia Natural y Cultura Ambiental: The museum has an evolution-themed gallery featuring reconstructed habitats and representative fossils.

Museo Historia Natural "Manuel Martinez Solorzano": This museum at the Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo houses some fossils.

Museo Paleontología Puebla: This small museum southeast of Puebla contains the bones of a fossil mammoth, horse, and more.

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