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Suggest links or significant fossil finds (localities/assemblages), or contribute images to the Paleontology Portal.

Click on the “add links or images” button at the top of any page, and then fill out the form. All submissions go through an editorial review process — see the editorial policy for more information.

You can contribute:

Links to web-based resources about paleontology, in several categories:

  • Education and Exhibits: ongoing and time-delimited events and programs, physical exhibits, virtual exhibits
  • Organizations: parks, societies and clubs, colleges and universities, museums, government agencies
  • Research and Collections: ongoing research projects, researchers
  • Careers: career paths, degree and certificate programs, job opportunities
  • Collecting and Legalities: laws on fossil collecting, where to collect fossils
  • Meetings: upcoming meetings, symposia; these would be displayed on the Calendar page, viewed by clicking its icon at the bottom of any page
  • Methods: field, curation, analysis, and reporting methods
  • Resources: annotated bibliographies, courses and lectures, curriculum and classroom resources, databases, field guides, history of paleontology,image collections, maps, on-line journals and publications, and general reference

Names, information about, and photos of significant fossil finds anywhere in North America

  • Submit names, supporting information, and photos of important North American fossil finds that are significant because of the quality of preservation and/or the importance of the fossils in understanding evolution and life of the past.

Images of fossils found in North America (Canada, United States, Mexico)

  • Contribute images from any taxonomic group. All fossils must have been collected in North America.
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