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The Jurassic in Oklahoma, US

Jurassic in Oklahoma map

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Jurassic Fossils

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Paleontology and geology

Although this map does not show any Jurassic rocks at the surface, other geologic maps indicate a small exposure of terrestrial shales and sandstones in the far western end of the Panhandle. Bones of Saurophaganax, an allosaur similar in size to T. rex, was found in Cimarron County at the far western end of the Panhandle and has been named the State Fossil of Oklahoma. Dinosaur footprints, and fossils of crocodiles, turtles, and fish can also be found in these rocks. A good place to see Jurassic rocks and fossils is in and around Black Mesa State Park in the western end of the panhandle.

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Research and Collections

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Ongoing Research Projects (showing 1 of 1 listings)

Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History: On the campus of the University of Oklahoma in Norman. One of the finest university-based museums in the nation, with an active Paleontology research program and extensive collections. 

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