The Devonian in Illinois, US

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Devonian Fossils

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Paleontology and geology

There are very few areas of Devonian rock exposed in Illinois, shown on this map in the west, east, and south. These rocks are limestones, dolostones, chert, and shale, showing that Illinois was mostly covered by the sea at this time. In the southern part of the state, the water was quite deep and little oxygen was present. Black muds (now shales) were deposited on this deep sea floor. The most common invertebrate fossils include rugose corals, brachiopods, and trilobites. Shark teeth are the most commonly found vertebrate fossils.

Links to more on the Devonian in Illinois

Organizations | Research and Collections


Museums (showing 1 of 1 listings)

Burpee Museum of Natural History: The mission of Burpee Museum of Natural History is to inspire all people to engage in a lifetime of learning about the natural world.

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Research and Collections

Researchers (showing 1 of 1 listings)

Dr. Thomas W. Kammer: Specialty: Evolutionary paleoecology of Paleozoic crinoids, plus lithostratigraphy, biostratigraphy, and sequence stratigraphy of marine Mississippian rocks in the east-central United States. Field areas include West Virginia, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, and Iowa.

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Wisconsin State Map
Indiana State Map
Kentucky State Map
Missouri State Map
Iowa State Map

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