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The Ordovician in Nevada, US

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Ordovician Fossils
Fossil photos from Ordovician in Nevada

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Paleontology and geology

Warm shallow seas covered the continental shelf in the southern and eastern parts of the state during the Ordovician and limy sediment was deposited. Tectonically, the region remained quiet. The water deepened to the northwest into an ocean basin. On the slope and in the basin, dark shale rich in the remains of plankton accumulated. In the shallow water, reef communities of sponges, crinoids, brachiopods, bryozoans, and nautiloids flourished. In deeper water, graptolites and other plankton floated near the surface.

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Courses and Lectures (showing 1 of 1 listings)

Paleogeography of the Southwestern U.S.: The paleogeography of the southwestern U.S. from 1.8 billion years ago to 10 million years ago. Text and images by Dr. Ron Blakey from Northern Arizona University.

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Image Collections (showing 1 of 1 listings)

Some Fossil Brachiopods: Images of several fossil brachiopods, dating in geologic age from early Cambrian to Pleistocene, with explanatory text.

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Field Guides (showing 2 of 2 listings)

Ordovician Fossils At Great Beatty Mudmound, Nevada: A virtual field trip to a classic 480-million-year-old fossil locality in the vicinity of Beatty, Nevada, near Death Valley National Park; detailed text; images of fossils; on-site images.

Ordovician Fossils In The Toquima Range, Nevada: Take a detailed virtual field trip to two 475-million-year-old fossil localities in central Nevada; explanatory text; images of fossils; on-site images.

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