Editorial Policy

The Paleontology Portal is a website providing a central, interactive entry point to North American paleontology resources on the Internet for multiple audiences: the research community, K-12 education, government and industry, the general public, and the media. The effectiveness of the site is dependent upon the quality of contributed fossil images and links to paleontological resources. We welcome submissions for inclusion to the site in the form of fossil images or links to Internet resources as categorized below.

Collecting and Legalities: Information on where and how to collect fossils legally.

Careers: About careers and career pathways in paleontology and related field, including professional programs, pages describing careers in paleontology, or paleontology job listings.

Methods: Pages on methods in the field of paleontology, including fieldwork, curation, analysis and reporting.

Meetings: Upcoming professional meetings to be displayed on the calendar.

Organizations: Links describing organizations or entities in paleontology, including schools, museums, agencies, parks and clubs.

Education and Exhibits: Exhibits and educational opportunities in paleontology, including virtual (on-line only) exhibits, physical exhibits (including those with a virtual component), and events (lectures, seminars, etc.).

Research and Collections: Paleontological research projects, researchers and collections.

Resources: Additional resources, including maps, field guides, image collections, publications, and curriculum.

Contributions relating to any branch of paleontology (e.g., micropaleontology, palynology, invertebrate paleontology, paleobotany, vertebrate paleontology) or related biological or geological discipline are welcome. All submissions will be reviewed and selected for quality by one or more members of the Editorial Board based upon the following criteria:

All submissions:

  • Must align with the ethics statements of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology and the Paleontological Society.
  • Must have a primary geographic focus on North America

Additional criteria for fossil images:

  • Scientific accuracy (the content appears authentic, and matches the label).
  • Clarity (image quality is reasonably high).
  • Lack of redundancy (no exact duplicates). An excess of a particular genus/species may result in a denial of the submission.
  • No explicit commercial references contained in the image.

All photographs contributed to the Fossil Gallery in the Paleontology Portal website will be subject to a copyright policy statement.

Additional criteria for links to Internet resources:

  • Primary focus of the content is on paleontology or a related discipline.
  • Content is scientifically accurate.
  • Primary purpose is in support of research or education.
  • Content provides useful primary information to those interested in paleontology

Submissions may be edited prior to posting to assure accessibility by multiple audiences. Notification of acceptance or denial, or a request for further information will be sent to the submitter following review.

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