Resources - Northwest region

General Reference (page 1 of 1)

6 listings found

Dinosaurios Mexicanos: A 1998 description of Mexican dinosaur discoveries, with a focus on Coahuila.

Equinodermos fósiles de México: An examination of the known fossil echinoderms from Mexico.

Fossil Triassic plants of Sonora, Mexico: A discussion of fossil plants from the Santa Clara Formation accompanied by photographs.

Precambrian Stromatolites of Sonora, Mexico: A discussion of Sonoran stromatolite fossils accompanied by photographs.

Los Dinosaurios en México: A paper describing the abundance, diversity and conservation status of fossil remains of dinosaurs discovered in the northern states of Mexico, especially during the nineties.

The Geologic Evolution of Sonora: The tectonic history of Sonora, with an emphasis on the region around Nogales.

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