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On-line Journals/Publications (page 2 of 2)

20 listings found

USGS Professional Paper: The Geology of Kentucky: This on-line publication of the United States Geological Survey discusses the geology of Kentucky as mapped on the USGS map of the state (which is not on-line).

Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology: Presents a comprehensive and authoritative yet compact statement of knowledge concerning groups of invertebrate fossils. Listing of print volumes available for order on-line.

University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions: A journal series from the University of Kansas.

www.PalArch.nl: This peer-reviewed on-line journal features papers on vertebrate paleontology.

Texas Geology and Geography: A collection of interesting articles on Texas geology, geography, and paleontology.

eLibrary of International Palaeoentomological Society: The e-library contains ~ 45,600 references on fossil insects and general topics of entomology, palaeontology, evolution, phylogenetics, ecology and biogeography. The PDF library, available only to members, includes 33,245 e-reprints (April 2014).

Paleonet: Paleonet is a system of listservers, www pages, and ftp sites designed to enhance electronic communication among paleontologists. While primarily designed as a resource for paleontological professionals and graduate students, PaleoNet welcomes input and participation from all persons interested in the study of ancient life.

Palaeontologia Electronia: Palaeontologia Electronica is an on-line journal of palaeontology.

Notebooks on Geology: Independent open-access geoscience magazine published electronically, which concentrates on stratigraphy, sedimentology and paleontology.

Dinosaurnews: The free, international, dinosaur webzine.

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